Wilsons Mills ME. Sun and storm From an on location study. The mountains and mountain valleys particularly interest me due to their sudden changes in weather and light. I remember quite vividly being very warm painting the on location study despite setting up in the tall grass in the shade of an old Spruce. By the time I hiked back to the campsite it was raining and quite cool.

Wilsons Mills
Golden fields, slow moving water with violet deep swirls, virtually no sound
to the rivers ebb and flow
set up camp in the river basin
so still, the abrupt loud whoosh of crow's wings
snaps my head 'round - with no wild animal to be found (this time)
till I look up and slowly realize what I'm hearing
slowly, for it takes time to leave civilization behind
While painting, observing nature
nature was observing me
moose and deer 10 yards behind
moving through the tall grass and the fallen, gnarled brittle branches
with a grace and quietness not to be believed
had I not been there
The sound of wind through the tall grass, pine, and spruce
Soothing - reminds me of carefree days exploring the woods close to home
later, the windblown birch branches are a metronome
slow and steady
a soothing tempo
The fall chill - briefly held at bay,
so hot
layers pealed, the shade of an old spruce to work
but a storm was coming
tumbling leaves, thickening clouds, and the rush of cool air announces the coming rain
The metronome whispers urgently
time to go